Sorry for all you non-Facebookers....I've been posting pics there, but not here. So, get your fix! Payton slept from 10:30pm until 3:30am last night, then I had to wake her up at 8:30 this morning to eat. We are so lucky and praying things stay this easy! We've enjoyed lots of visits from friends and family, and had no trouble figuring things out. Payton had her first boat ride at 8 days old, she's developing quite a little wardrobe, & loves being outside. The dogs are being great with her. Mom is doing quite well...we take walks every day....can't wait to be able to run!!!
As of Thursday, April 15th, Payton had regained back to her birth weight! We couldn't feel more blessed....she truly is incredible!
It looks like a good start to the beggning of the rest of your lives!! :) xoxoxo!