I blinked, and here we are....4 months into this parenthood thing. If I do say so myself, I think we're doing an okay job with Payton. She has reached so many milestones so far: rolling over both ways, cooing and "talking," grabbing toys and shoving them in her mouth, (seriously, shoving!), grabbing her feet, kicking and moving her arms in the pool, and holding her breath pretty well when she goes under, trying her best to sit up on her own, and trying to hold her bottle. She knows and responds to her name. Unfortunately she's found the TV, and loves to watch it....don't worry, she doesn't have much of an opportunity to sit in front of it. She's eating 6 ounces of formula per feeding, which is about 5-6 bottles per day. I quit pumping breast milk last Sunday, so that's been uncomfortable for me, but freed up a LOT of time.
Payton has her 4 month check up on August 20th, at about 4.5 months old. We are guessing her to be around 17 pounds, and 27 inches tall....we'll see! She's already outgrowing her size 2 Pampers, so we're buying size 3's this weekend. AND, she has just enough hair for a bow to barely hang on now! She's been staying at her Granby's house during the week, and Payton's been a great baby for her...not that we didn't expect her to be, but it's nice knowing we can leave her and she's still pretty easy for Granby.
Enjoy her 4 month pictures (well, just the few I had her "model" for the other evening!)....as always, check in for more pictures and updates each week!!!
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