We have had a big month of 1 year old birthdays! This entire summer has been nothing but guessing which friend is going into labor next, and we still have many more due between now and March. Payton is going to have no shortage of friends, that's for sure!
As for Payton, since she had that rash last week and couldn't get her shots, we went in Wednesday morning and got it taken care of. The first needle went into her thigh, and she flinched. No crying. The second shot went into the other thigh, she took a big breath and out came a scream, tongue curled up in her mouth. I picked her up, told her she was a good, brave girl, and nothing else. Not one tear. The nurse couldn't believe how well she did!
Last Saturday night we went to Raegan's parent's new house. The girls played a little. We saw Raegan tonight, and she has the same rash Payton had :( It doesn't bother her, and no fever, but that probably means what Payton had WAS a virus, and poor little Raegan got it from her last weekend. Since yesterday Payton has had a runny nose and been sneezing a lot. So evidently the whole being allergic to different kinds of soap wasn't the case. So, Payton has her first little cold, but it hasn't slowed her down at all!
We spent Friday evening over at the Kreutzer's house, and Payton got to play with Riley, Gavin, and Morgan. Morgan, who is 2 1/2, got to "hold" Payton and help feed her bottle to her. She was a very big help, and Payton loved her. Payton got to "jump" on a trampoline for her first time. THAT was a TRIP! The dogs kept getting up there, so it got very interesting (don't worry, Payton wasn't up there with the doggies!) Hopefully I'll get the pictures from Julie soon, and I'll get them posted!
Saturday was Sam's 1st birthday party. He had SO many friends over, and all the kids played really well together. Payton was trying her best to be a big kid. She sat by herself on the floor and played with toys, and would try to walk when I held her fingers. When we put her in Jon and Missy's bed for a nap, she turned 180 degrees, then scooted over to where there were some books on the bed. She proceeded to "read" one to herself, and then decided she'd rather snack on it! Must have been a good book!
Next weekend is one of our favorite weekends of the year. It's our annual Labor Day beach trip with the Kuglers, Garmans, Tophams, Longs, Tisdales, and McNeils. It's the first trip for Sam (1), Thomas (10 months), and Payton (almost 5 months), and we'll have about 24 total, adults and babies, under one roof....stay tuned for pictures and stories from that wild weekend!!
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