....to see why Payton's been chewing and drooling so much. She had her first tooth break through last Thursday afternoon, August 12th. The bottom right (her right) came through after a couple days of not taking very good naps for Granby during the day, and a little fussiness. She has also been pulling at her ear, but seldomly. The bottom left tooth, right beside this one, looks like it's going to come through any day now. If you look closely at the first several pictures, you can just barely get a glimpse of her shiny white "toofer!" And you can see the second one trying to pop through. Won't be long before she's enjoying her first Cheerio!!
The past week has been busy, as usual. Dinner with the Collins and Kenningtons, boatride with the Boughmans, Kyler's first birthday party, and swimming at the pool. The doggies even got to swim some over at the Kennington's lake house. You can see the pics of everyone worn out!! Payton is growing and growing and her personality is really starting to show. She's so long that she has to wear 9-18 month (depending on the style/brand) clothes! She has her 4 month check up and shots :( on Friday. We are guessing her to be around 17 pounds, 26-27 inches....which is really big for a 4 month old!
Oh, and on another sad, sad note....I had a 5 year old rub my belly and ask if I was having another baby :O So I'm REALLY ready for cooler weather so that I may get out and run, and shed these layers of fat I've worked so hard to accumulate! Bring on fall and football :)
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