...but we've done SO much in this last week and a half! Brian started work again, to his dismay, this past Monday, and my mom came over Monday and Tuesday to help me transition. Griffin continues to be a great baby, only crying when he's hungry, wet, or poopy. He is sleeping from about 10p-3a, and gets up again around 6:00a. Brian still gets up to feed him the 3a bottle, while I pump, so we are managing to both be pretty coherent during the days, and naps are not necessary. Payton has been A GREAT big sister. She helps throw away diapers, rocks the bouncy seat if Griffin is upset, and kisses his head almost every time she sees him. We have had the occasional love pats, which were more like boxing blows, but that only means we are toughening this baby boy up! Today she agreed to hold AND feed him his bottle. She is growing up into such a sweet girl, and loves every minute with her new brother. Not once (yet) has she acted out, or been resentful. I was worried about such a close age difference, but (so far) it's been perfect!
Last week, at 8 days old, was Griffin's first boat ride, which he thoroughly enjoyed (or more like he slept through it and didn't know the difference!) He's exactly like Payton in that he likes to be moving, and he loves being outside. He's sat at the pool with us many days now, just napping away, as Payton continues to learn and become a stronger swimmer. Last week mom and I went shopping for nursery bedding, which we bought, and put into Griffin's room. It's very cute, but I'm going to wait to show it off until we get his name (for the wall) in, and get the curtains hung. I'll attach pics once it's completed. We also have had more visitors to meet Griffin, and lots of yummy dinners brought to us by our awesome friends, along with LOTS of adorable hand-me-downs from the Kenningtons! Griffin is going to look SO handsome in these outfits! Let's see....other than that, I've enjoyed being able to enjoy some wine and sushi again! I've lost 24 of the 20 pounds I gained while being pregnant, which is awesome....I feel like I could run now, but everyone frowns at that idea when I bring it up. I haven't exactly followed the "rules." I will try to start jogging in a week or so, and slowly gaining strength and stamina...I still have lots of pounds I'd like to lose. Who knows? Maybe I'll try to start training for a spring half marathon!
Last Sunday we got a visit from Nana and Granddude. We took them over to TBones on Greg's boat for their awesome brunch. Payton and I definitely made a dent in the food! Then we cruised back and spent the afternoon at the pool. Griffin mostly slept, I laid out, and Payton was in the pool, showing off her swimming skills, with Nana, Granddude, and Daddy. We all had a nice time!
Today was my first day "alone." Celeste and Kyler came over and we went to the "Jump E Place." This is similar to Monkey Joe's (if you are familiar with that) but on a smaller scale. This place has 2 bouncy houses, some swings, and an inflated slide. Payton was SO excited at first, as she climbed the stairs and slid down the slide ALONE! I was on the ground taping and shooting pictures. She then went to the swings, and then into a bouncy house. She still doesn't have the best balance, so she basically crawled around in the bouncy house. Griffin slept most of the time, but needed a bottle just about the time Payton decided to have a melt-down (and she's been teething...her bottom one year molar has come through and her eye teeth are right behind). That was fun :) So back home we went, ate lunch, and now it's nap time for them both. I've had a chance to write some thank you notes, look over our newborn pictures of Griffin (we will be sending out announcements soon!), and get cleaned up a bit. The days are going faster than ever, but we are enjoying every moment of our family of FOUR! We are so very blessed and can't wait to watch these kids of ours grow up! Enjoy these "gazillion" pictures!!
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