That's right!! Tomorrow is the BIG day! Boy or Girl? How big? What color hair? Eyes? Who will "he" look like? We can't wait to welcome this new little one into the world! As I've mentioned, this pregnancy has FLOWN by! It's been a great experience and I'm happy to end on such a high note, still feeling really well!
We spent this past weekend with our dearest friends, Auntie Cheryl, Uncle Jeremy, and "Rae-Rae." Brian and Jeremy spent the better part of the VERY humid Saturday assembling Raegan's new playset. Once they were finished, the girls tried it out and APPROVED! They love it, and will be spending many happy hours on it. Payton was even able to swing in the "big girl" swing by herself! We had a wonderful dinner with the Boughmans, then called it a night.
My goal for Sunday was to get the house cleaned up and spend some time at the last pool day for a while, and I have to keep my tan going for our upcoming annual BEACH trip!! I succeeded, getting a little color, and since we had so much rain on Friday and Saturday, the pool was actually refreshing. Payton was showing off for everyone, as usual, floating on her own (front and back) for several seconds, and swimming out and back to us, from the side. Payton was a little "off" this weekend due to more teeth trying to poke their way through. From what I can tell, she's getting her bottom molars and eye teeth in. Granby and Grumps will have their hands full this week, during this painful event. Teething hasn't bothered her much before, so hopefully she'll continue to be a trooper. On the other hand, she's getting a little better about keeping those pretty bows in her hair :)
We will be meeting this little one tomorrow morning, around 9:45! We are so excited! I'm still feeling guilty about leaving Payton with my parents...I know she doesn't really understand what is going on, and why Mommy and Daddy are not with her, and who this new baby time, it will soon be forgotten, but I still can't help but feel guilty. She'll have a blast over there, and my brother, her Uncle JP, will also be in town to help out. Mind you, I have only ever been without Payton for a total of 4 nights...ever, and we're doubling that this week alone! I'm glad she and Granby are meeting me for lunch today, so I can sneak in a couple more hugs and kisses :)
TODAY is our 3rd wedding anniversary! We are so blessed to have had such a busy and fulfilling past 3 years together, as a family! In those 3 years, we've spent 2 weeks in St. Lucia, I've been snowboarding in Breckenridge, CO, (among other less interesting places), been on many beach trips, we adopted Callie, our youngest yellow lab (and resident trouble-maker), had our beautiful daughter, Payton, and now, tomorrow, we will introduce "?????....insert name here" to the world. What a whirlwind of events, but we wouldn't have it any other way!
Sah-weet!!! Can't wait to meet the little one!!! I'll be thinking about you guys! BTW, LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics of you and Brian and the belly! :) Very sweet! Much love to all five (well, six) of you!! :)
I have looked at this blog four times already. I love it. You have had so much bliss around you, and now, tomorrow, more. I am so excited for you, and I have a renewed interest in keeping my baby #2 (when there is a baby #2) a secret as well. I already somehow think it's a boy. :)
ReplyDeleteLove, strength, blessings and happiness to you from all of us!!!