Day one was spent with Mommy in the bed, trying to get Griffin to eat, and entertaining a couple visitors. It was mostly a quiet day, just getting to know each other. Granby came by with Payton, so she could have "family time" with just us. At first, she pushed both me and Griffin away, not giving out kisses as she normally does. She ran around the room and warmed up a bit, soon to give kisses out freely. She was still a little unsure of the baby, but knows his name, and I think, somewhat understands that he was the "baby in mommy's belly." She lifted my shirt, and I said "all gone," then pointed to Griffin. I guess she won't fully understand until we are all home together...which is a day, we think, the dogs are dreading most! Yesterday evening, my mom, dad, and brother came by to meet Griffin, along with Auntie Cheryl and Uncle Jeremy, and Aunt Julie, and her baby, Jake (2 months). We sent Griffin to the nursery for about 6 hours, so we could get some rest. Brian managed to get some good sleep, but I was told to drink lots of water, which I did, and ended up peeing all night....nothing I'm not already used to ;) They removed my catheter last night, so they had me get up and walk around, to make sure I could. I did fine, and was able to get up on my own throughout the night.
Griffin was brought into us around 5:45am today. I fed him, cuddled with him, and was able to get up and SHOWER! My hormones were going crazy yesterday, becoming very sweaty as my body was slowly learning I was no longer pregnant...which today, I have felt myself rub my belly a few times. I do miss feeling Griffin move in my belly, but it's so exciting to finally know who it was I was carrying all these months. And, I got to EAT...finally! I had eggs, hash browns, bacon, and french toast. Yum! Made up for lost time. Nana and Granddude came in from Virginia, to meet Griffin. They stayed for the majority of the day. Mom brought Payton by again, and they were all able to go to lunch together, including Daddy, leaving Griffin and Mommy to feed...which has been going pretty well! Payton was back to her usual entertaining self, and was more interested in Griffin today. She even tried to put his beanie on him, after trying to put it on her own head, of course! We had visits from Aunt Missy and Uncle Jon, and Leah Burroughs. I also found out an old friend had her baby girl, Aven, via csection on Monday night, and she's just down the hall from we have visited them a couple times.
We've just ordered our dinner, and Brian has rented FIVE movies for us to, I'd better go, for now! I'll try to post more pictures tomorrow, but enjoy these for now, as Griffin is already changing so much...he's a handsome little devil, er, I mean, TARHEEL, if I do say so myself!!
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