Thursday afternoon we had a few more visitors to the hospital. Celeste Killar and her 2 year old son, Kyler, Jan Topham, Katy Garman, and Andy Herrin came by to meet the little man. Beth Shephard, and her son Gil, also came by, but unfortunately we were downstairs finishing up lunch, and missed them. Payton, Granby, and Grumps came to have lunch with us. While Payton was visiting, she was given a backpack for her school belongings. It has a removable pink poodle on the back, and she absolutely loves it! She is really starting to get interested in Griffin, and there has been no jealousy, only wanting to touch and kiss we are thrilled thus far!
We actually made it home Thursday late afternoon. I was released by the doctors, after I told them how well I felt. We arrived home to a stork sign announcing the birth of Griffin, put up by our good friends, Brian, Britt, and Jennifer. The first night was a little rough...we put Payton down, got unpacked and settled in, and in between, I was trying to "take it easy..." ha! I've been trying to nurse Griffin, mostly unsuccessfully. He is really hungry and isn't getting hardly anything from me...and it's a lot harder work for him than a bottle. In the middle of the night, after being completely exhausted, Griffin being unhappy and screaming, we broke down and gave him several bottles of formula (3 different times). Griffin knocked it back like he'd been starving, then slept the remainder of the night. I'm continuing to pump, but my milk hasn't yet come in, so I'm not getting much. Hopefully things will improve soon!
Our first full day home (Friday) was spent just adjusting and getting a rhythm going. We took our first family walk with the dogs, in the new Double Bob Stroller. Payton was proud to show off her new baby brother to the neighbors, and show off she did! We then went to my OB's office this afternoon to get my staples removed, and replaced with "steri-strips," which will stay on for 7-10 days. All and all I'm feeling great considering I just had major surgery. I'm a little tired because of last night, but hoping for a more restful night tonight. Griffin has slept ALL DAY, so I'm not sure how it will go. Also, we got our first several "smiles" today...we know it wasn't on purpose, we'll take them any way he gives them out. We can't quit kissing that handsome little face!
I'll continue to post pictures and updates, so you can see how much Griffin is changing. Thank you for watching and keeping up with the Kuglers!!
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