Monday, June 28, 2010

11 Weeks Old

Summertime is always full for us, and this year is no exception! We try to get Payton in the pool as much as possible, and we are on the lake a lot. As I've said before, this baby loves the boat and water She basically floats on her back with just my hand supporting her head, and she kicks and moves her arms. Last week Brian and I passed her to each other under water, letting her float under water on her own, and she liked it! We have it on video to show one day, when she's an Olympic swimmer and they are showing her past ;) She's so strong...rolling over from belly to back, and she can roll from her back to her side...that darn arm gets in the way of her making it all the way over. She is "talking" more and more, and we just love her little voice!

We went to Raleigh last weekend for Rebecca "Sweeney" Anderson's baby shower, and stayed with Geoff & Christy....I went to college with Geoff, and his wife, Christy, and I became good friends. They are also having a baby (boy), due in September! At the baby shower, people kept asking how old Payton is, and when I replied 11 weeks, they were shocked. They thought she was more like 6 months! She is SO long, alert, and strong. She wouldn't take a nap because she didn't want to miss anything. We tried lying her down on the host's bed, but she wouldn't fall asleep. She kept kicking Elizabeth's baby, Caroline, so we took her out of there, back to the party. You can see Caroline and Payton together on the bed...Caroline is 2 months older than Payton, but Payton is taller and weighs almost as much as Caroline!! It's crazy how much she's grown and developed already. I'm thinking her growing might halt here for just a little while, or she's going to be 6 feet tall!!

We have big 4th of July weekend plans, so stay tuned for the pictures! I can't believe our baby girl is almost 3 months old already....and I'm dreading having to leave her to go back to the office soon. She'll be with Granby, in great hands, but I'll still miss her terribly and probably drive my mom crazy, calling her multiple times per day, asking what she's done that day....

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day, Payton's Christening & Pops in the Park

This past weekend was very busy, much like every other weekend. Friday night we went to the pool for Payton to swim, dinner with friends, then a lake cruise. Saturday was much the same, but we had lobster night at the Collins' with about 25 friends. It was awesome!! Payton was baptized on Sunday, which was also Brian's first Father's Day, AND Emma's 7th birthday. Payton was perfect in church...not a peep out of her! Then we went to my parent's house for lunch with Brian's parents, "Jana and Granddude," Celeste, Chris, and Kyler. Brian had a great Father's Day, as it was spent with everyone he loves. Payton has daddy wrapped around her tiny little fingers for sure!! Emma and Callie each had "birthday cakes" as a birthday surprise, and bones. That evening, we met friends at Pops in the Park, including her BFF, Raegan. It was a perfect ending to a great weekend!!!

Some new things....Payton likes to watch Sports Center. She also likes to watch Pixar Short Stories, which are computer animated colorful characters, and they definitely catch her 10 WEEKS! Payton has been drooling a lot more, and pulling our fingers toward her mouth, biting on them, along with her own. I don't think she's teething, but she's showing many signs that she is. Our little girl is growing up WAY too fast, but we are looking forward to each milestone. She is still sleeping through the night, which is very nice of her :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lake Wylie Jam!

Yesterday was the inaugural Lake Wylie River Jam, where bands play out on a private dock, and boat loads of people hang out, tie up, and party together. It started in the late afternoon, so we headed over with some friends, Jennifer and Dwayne, to meet our other friends, already there. We tied up, and went swimming....while the bands were playing. Payton absolutely loved being in the lake, floating around in her life jacket. She was a trooper, as afterwards, we went back to our friend, Adrianne's, lake house. Payton slept on her buddy, Justin's, boat while we hung out. We've had a great weekend, I got to go wakeboarding, take Payton swimming, and we're going to Pops in the Park tonight with a big group of friends. Enjoy the pics!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

2 MONTHS Already!

Staying with the norm, time is just flying by....I'm juggling being a mom to Payton, Callie, and Emma, wife to Brian, working from home, getting errands run, keeping the house somewhat livable, feeding us all, and actually trying to shower once a day ;) And I'm loving every quick minute of it all!! I had an exam to take on Monday afternoon, so my mom, "Granby," came and sat with Payton. Brian's parents came for a quick visit on Wednesday evening, so Payton got to spend a little time with "Jana and Granddude." Payton had her 2 month doctor's appointment on Thursday last. She was a brave girl, getting 2 shots in one leg, and an oral vaccination. She screamed after the shots, and was a bit fussy the rest of the evening, but all and all, she did a great job! Her head circumference is in the 75th percentile, while her height and weight are in the 97th percentile. She weighs 13.8 pounds and is 24 inches long. 2 feet already!! Her doctor told us she's functioning at a 4 month old level, trying to roll from her back to tummy (she can already roll from her tummy to back, when she's in the mood), and she's following us with her eyes, is very alert and aware, and is so strong. We've introduced her to the "Bumbo" seat, which is helping strengthen her neck and back muscles, to help her sit up on her own, plus it frees my arms for a bit. She's giggling and cooing all the time, and the biggest development, since the last update, is that she's sleeping ALL the way THROUGH the NIGHT :) Yep, she's sleeping about 8-10 hours in a row, without waking up! This has been nice for Brian and me. She's not on any type of schedule yet, as we are still dragging her around to friend's houses at night, or on the boat, or wherever we're going, but she seems to be adjusting to sleeping different places okay. Hoping to keep that up!! Also, I'm trying to get her in the pool regularly, even though she only lasts about 15 minutes...she loves the water, and is accepting going under the water (not loving that yet, but we're still doing it in hopes she gets used to it soon). Her next check up will be at 4 months old, but until then, I'll keep updating with pictures and stories!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

8 Weeks and Growing Like a Weed!!

The past week has included boating, swimming, and playing with friends. Payton is definitely a water baby, and mom got to wakeboard :) Payton loves the pool, especially now that it's getting warmer. Yesterday, her 8 week "birthday," we decided to try out the "Sassy Seat," or Johnny Jump Up, as I've always called it. You know, you hang it from a doorway, put the baby in, and the baby jumps away....well, it says it's for 4-12 month olds, but Payton loves it. She's SO strong. I think she'll be an early developer! Well, tomorrow, Brian's BFF, JB, leaves for NYC (enough acronyms for you?) So tonight we met a bunch of friends for dinner and wine....JB will miss Sweet P!! And we'll all miss him!! (But I look forward to a NYC shopping weekend!! The girls and I have it all planned out!)
