Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Half Birthday Par-tay!

Who does that?  As if one 40th birthday isn't enough, I opted for yet another celebration.  Okay, not really, but my good friend, Julie, and I both share December 12th birthdays.  Now, she's nowhere near 40, but what better excuse to host a fun, summer, lake party?  We were blessed with a gorgeous day, "supermoon" filled evening, and lots of great friends.  So, happy 1/2 birthday to us.  Cheers!
The Birthday Girls!!

Celeste, Me, Julie

Celeste, Me, Julie

Chris Kennington...
HEY!  No one invited you to our party!
Mike tugged on this guy like he was a rope!
By the way, I'm pretty close to Mike here.  Did I mention I don't care for snakes?  Plus, I'm pretty sure this one wasn't a fan of Mike, or anyone, at this point.

Bye Bye, Mr. Black Snake.
This platform is WAY higher than it appears (at least for someone scared to death of heights, like ME!)

The kids were loving it, though!  This is Carter.  He's SIX!

LOTS of contemplation...

I was not a fan...so I decided to just go backwards...

Whew.  I did it!

Payton, swimming with Madi and Cali

I still can't believe Chris Kennington created such a cute little princess!  (Just kidding...you know I love you!)

Our sweet friends, Jace and Audrey

Okay, kids...we're jumping on THREE!  1.....2......3.....!!!!!!!!!!

Well, some of you are jumping on three...

Aaaaaand, Payton finally jumps in!
Stonie and Me...I just love her!
Baby Juliet (7 months)...I think I may love her more!
Wally B and Terri...seriously cute couple!

I promise we didn't make him do it!  He LOVED sweeping (Mom, have you been teaching him to clean?)

Rob, Momma Karen, Chris, Stonie, and Walter, the photobomber, lol.

The kids all had a blast and were SO worn out!

Andy showing the girls how to make the BEST sandcrab!

Stonie, Heather, Our Favorite Becki, Me, Terri, and Audrey

Griffin had a blast playing with this truck...

He was not quite ready for bed!

And that tongue....

Callie was ready for bed though!

We had a great 1/2 birthday!!

Griffin's first jet ski ride.  And he was ALL smiles!

Payton loved the jet ski also (I'm sure she didn't remember being on it last summer), and when we were unpacking the car, I found her on my wakeboard.  Happy Momma!

Sleeping Beauty...after a loooong weekend of fun.  This was her after I had tried waking her up, several times, on Monday morning.  Zzzzzzzzzz.....We're so lucky our kids adapt so well to our busy lives.  I think we're all now caught up on sleep, and ready for our 4th of July beach trip next week (and ANOTHER party in 2 weekends!)  Even though the summer has just officially begun, I feel like it's FLYING by! Whew.