Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Summer 2015

I've been super busy, which isn't out of the ordinary.  But here is a quick glimpse of our summer, so far. We have had lots of changes to adjust to, but we are doing well, keeping it positive, and doing a lot of smiling this summer!

Lots and lots of lake time :)

First Charlotte Knights Game

Some of Payton's besties...Ella and Anna

Many Carowinds visits (and Payton rode THUNDER ROAD!!)

We love our Granby time!

And it's always great spending time with our McNeil family "cousins"
Lake Wylie sunsets never disappoint!

A little surf time

When you're a boy, the whole world is your potty.  Haha!

Trying out her new the pool.

We miss our Hannah Banana...who now lives in Australia!

He's just doing what the mirror told him to do ;)

Boat naps are the best!
Riverside Zoo, Columbia

Sydney, Evan, and Baby Adler (still obviously in the "oven")

Making new friends

A visit to Carolina Beach, to see the Bradleys

My friend's son, Mason, in a surf competition at Carolina Beach

Payton with Noelle, on Isle of Palms, SC

And we ran into a friend of mine, and his little toe-headed kids

Payton and Derek, her 13 year old "boyfriend"

She is smitten with him, and still talks about him (and blushes)...I am moving out of the country for her teenage years!
My good friend, Amy...we have been friends since elementary school!  We played basketball together.  And she has recently beaten breast cancer!!!!  She's one tough cookie!

She'll stop doing this, one day, when she gets pooped on!  :O

Serious Cute Booty...

My little Michael Jordan

Seriously, Payton?  Such sass.

But the girl can jump higher than me!

Isle of Palms Sunset

We couldn't end our evening without ICE CREAM :)

A little backyard slip and sliding

Catching some rays with my gorgeous friend, Leah

Above and Below...serious cuteness, right there!

The loves of my life....

With Kieran and Marea, Carolina Beach

With Norie and Ollie Guthrie...CB

Jumping over a shark!  hahaha.  Or not, hahaha.

With our favorite Bradley girls!

At the 17th Street Surf Comp

Griffin has been getting a little more comfortable in the water this summer...a little :)  We'll keep working on it!

Payton's first time on her wakeboard!!!  She got up every time....then kept leaning forward, and would fall forward.  But what a great start!

God, I love this girl!! #minime

G, all smiles with Cootie Guy!

P and Cootie Guy, catching some air!

These guys sure love their morning "selfies!"

I've managed to have a little fun on the water this summer, also!

Sweet Pea grabbed my phone and secretly captured this sweet moment.

We keep saying this will be Sydney's "last meal" before Baby Adler arrives.  She is now one week past due, and no signs of the little booger yet!
My new trick, the "fire hydrant."

After a long, early morning of surfing and wakeboarding, we were on our way to the Tiki Party...on the lake.

One of my besties...Andy!

Justin and I at an event on Lake Norman...we got to meet and surf with Scott Byerly, a Pro Wakeboarder, who paved the way for the sport.  He was a very cool dude!  Thank you to our friends at MasterCraft of Charlotte for putting on the event!

Tiki Party (in some really gnarly water!)

The MasterCraft Crew, Byerly, and the "Dream Team"
My friend, Evan, getting some sick air on his brand new, custom SoulCraft board.  Santa, are you listening?

The kids, with Sienna, ready to watch "Minions"

Sydney's real "Last Meal," before the arrival of Baby Adler!  She delivered via csection on July 29, 2015!

Payton with her favorite pup, Vienna

The night before we met....

UPDATE ON BABY ADLER!!  My good friends, Sydney and Evan, went in for a c-section this morning, July 29, 2015. Adler has been born.  He's healthy, and a big boy, weighing in at NINE pounds, ELEVEN OUNCES!  We are so happy for them!  Congrats to our newest parents on the lake!

Well, I have a gazillion (yes, that's a real number) pictures from this summer, but these are a few of our highlights.  Griffin turns 4 in a couple of weeks.  I can't believe it!  Payton and Griffin have grown so close to each other, and certainly share a special bond.  They are incredibly smart (I may be a tad biased), and growing into such beautiful, well-adjusted, sweet and caring kids...I couldn't have asked for anything better in this world!

We hope you are enjoying your summer, and please check back in later on...I'll update as time presents itself.  xoxo