Sunday, January 31, 2010

31 Week COLD Belly Shots :)

We made our last trip up to Sugar Mountain this past weekend....last trip as just a married couple. The next trip we take will probably be this summer, and with child in tow. It's hard to believe. With each passing week, the reality of the imminent "babydom" is upon us. My carpal tunnel continues to aggravate me to no end, and my back seems to get a little more painful each night. BUT, I'm doing well other than that. We received close to a foot of snow in the mountains over the weekend, and I decided to do my 31 week belly shots outdoors, with less on than most probably should see. I have strategically cropped the pics so I won't offend anyone, or hurt their eyes ;) Our friends from Raleigh, Christy and Geoff went up with us. It was EXTREMELY hard to watch the boys leave for the slopes. I very much would have liked to be out on there shredding it up. Maybe next winter?

We have our next appointment on Thursday, February 4th. We're getting a non-stress test, ultrasound, and meet with the OB doc. The non-stress test will measure the baby's heart rate at rest and then when active. This is all being done to make sure, again, that everything is going okay in there with the lack of amniotic fluid I have. We are feeling Baby K move around a lot, and try to figure out what part of his/her body is sticking out of my belly! The baby is getting so big! Enjoy the pics!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

30 Week Belly Shots

I'm continuing to grow and become somewhat more uncomfortable by the day. I'm great in the mornings, but by evening, I look like a 90 year old woman trying to get up and down....hobbling around. Brian's a big help, but I hate asking!!! Last night when we were lying in the bed...all 5 of us....Emma, Callie, the "belly", Brian, and me....I was telling Emma that there is a baby in Mommy's belly. She crawled over to me and sniffed my belly, almost like she knew what I was saying! On the other hand, there's Callie. She jumps around on the bed, and is rough...still having no clue that she may very well be hopping on Baby K's head! We are growing more excited by the day, and very much looking forward to our upcoming baby showers!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

29 Week Check Up....or was it 32 Weeks?

Yesterday Brian and I took Baby K to the doctor's office for yet another ultrasound and visit with the doctor. Well, I guess I really took Baby K in, because Brian's back really isn't hurting enough for him to be carrying our baby around!! My mom joined us. When I was in the bathroom giving my usual sample, I could overhear guesses about what the baby might weigh now. Mind you, we were JUST in there 3 weeks ago, and had an ultrasound. The baby then weighed 2 pounds, 8 ounces. Brian guessed 3 pounds, 3 ounces, and I was sort of kidding when I said around 4 pounds. Now, wait for it......................the baby's weight came in at a very healthy 3 pounds, 14 ounces! Oh my. That's a gain of 1.5 pound in less than a month! I then asked, again, about the size of the big head. It is measuring 28.3 cm. For those of you unaware, to have a baby naturally, you dialate 10 can do the math. All I can say is OUCH! I think an epideral might just become my best friend come delivery day. Baby K is in the 83rd percentile of size...long legs, long arms, large head, long body, measuring almost 3 weeks ahead of schedule. Baby K was moving around like crazy. The tech said we have a little (big!) acrobat in there! Instead of the normal legs crossed baby, the baby was in a very precarious position....head is still down, umbilical cord over the eyes, a hand over the mouth, a FOOT up by the mouth, and the OTHER foot up by my ribs....uncomfortable!! We did get some great news....the kidneys, which they had been keeping an eye on, are in the "normal" functioning range now, so whatever concerns they had are now resolved. The heartbeat was 130 and my blood pressure was good, and still dropping....100/70. I have definitely had some swelling start, and for that, I have gained some weight in the past month. I'm ready to bust out our Bob jogging stroller and get moving. The only thing is, until Baby K makes "his" arrival, I have to stay put. My fluid levels are still dropping, so unless I want to be on bedrest, I have to literally do nothing. Go to work, lie on the couch, and go to bed. For an active person, this really sucks!! Normal fluid levels are from 10-20cm. My last three readings have been 13, 11.4, and 9.8. So, until my fluids drop to 5 cm, they'll let Baby K keep on cooking! We fully expect a March baby now, so Brian probably won't get his April Fools Day present.

You may have noticed the "his" in a former sentence above. Yesterday, the ultrasound tech referenced "him" 2 or 3 separate times, but then back-tracked to ensure us she hasn't looked at our charts, and doesn't know the sex. I'm fully convinced now that we are having a boy. Guess we better start talking names!!

We will have yet ANOTHER ultrasound and doctor's visit on February 4th. This time they will also be doing a non-stress test, just to make sure the baby is still moving around, and thriving in my "oven." It's really hard to believe that we could very likely be holding our "son" within the next 8 weeks! Lot's to get done, and I guess I'll manage Brian's activities from the comfort of the couch ;) Stay tuned!!

We had an Intro to Infant Massage class last night. It was definitely something we will try. It's supposed to relax the baby, help with gas, sleeping, bonding, pooping, reflexes, and many more benefits. We have a tour of the hospital tonight, an interview with our last candidate for a pediatrician tomorrow afternoon, and many more upcoming baby classes. Time is flying. Really flying!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week 29 Belly Pics

Okay, so here it is....the big tank. Big baby incubator, and it's growing leaps and bounds, week after week. My back seems to be hanging in there, and my most frequent complaint is about my fingers are somewhat swollen, and tingly all the time. It's hard to type, write, shower...well, do just about anything that involves using your hands. Hopefully after delivery, all will go back to normal, and if this is my only complaint, I consider myself pretty lucky!!
I went to the doctor's office on Monday, January 11th, for my Rhogam shot. For those who have no idea what this is, the best way I can describe it get a shot in your hip if you are Rh negative, and your husband is positive. Basically, Brian and I have opposite blood types, so if the baby inherits his bloodtype, or a positive bloodtype, and our blood was mixed during delivery, my body would form antibodies to that "positive" and would fight off my next pregnancy like a the shot makes all that better :)
Baby K continues to grow stronger and stronger, as witnessed by my belly moving around like there is an alien in there. It's so cool just to pull my shirt up and watch my belly move around. I'm to the point now that I can pick out body parts. As of the last ultrasound, the baby's head was down, and sunny side up.
Our next appointment is on Tuesday, January 19th, for yet another ultrasound. At this point in my pregnancy, they'll have me come in every two weeks for check ups, until week 36, which will begin my once a week check ups. I'm glad the office is just down the street from my office!! I plan on working until week 39, if I make it that far....since I'm measuring ahead, I can't decide if I'll be early or ontime. I guess the little booger will come when he/she wants!! And we couldn't be more excited to meet Baby K!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Day 2010

I guess I should open by saying "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" We had a nice visit in Radford, Virginia with Brian's parents. Brian's friend from childhood, Steven, and his family, also stayed to ring in the New Year with us. We played games, took the dogs on a walk in the snow (left
over from the weekend before), watched part of the Chick fil A Bowl game, made and decorated sugar cookies, and I almost made it all the way to midnight, sparkling grape juice in hand :) My how times have changed!

Steven & Kelly, their kids, George (5) & Kora (3), and their Beagle puppy, Theodore (16 weeks) were a lot of fun! It had been many years since Brian had seen Steven, so we got to look at childhood pictures (those bathtub pics are priceless ;) taking a trip down memory lane. Callie ended the trip by giving us a SWEET picture of her hugging Emma in the car, on the way back.

Chuck and Janet made some great meals for us, and provided lots of games, books, and activities for the kids....practicing for Baby K perhaps? :)

In the meantime, in Charlotte, on January 2nd, the bars and restaurants all became smoke-free!! Brian and I took advantage of that and went to our old stomping grounds, Picasso's, to watch the games. Cheryl and Jeremy met us up there. It was SO nice not sitting in smoke.