Monday, January 31, 2011

The Adventures of an Almost 10 Month Old....

Payton will be 10 months on February 7th. 10 MONTHS OLD! Where has the time gone? I'm already starting to plan for her FIRST birthday party. It's crazy how time goes faster and faster the older you get, the days get shorter, and the to-do list gets longer...I like staying busy, but I sure wish Payton would stay a baby, just for a bit longer....

In the past month the weather has ranged from COLD, snowy, and icy, to this past weekend where we had 2 sunny days in the upper 60's. It was absolutely gorgeous, so I got some running in, and Payton was able to have some fun in the sun. We went to 2 parks down the street from us (McDowell and Winget) and met up with my friend Jen, and her 14 month old daughter, Aniston. The girls were very cute together in the "little red wagon." We waited our turn for the swings, and although Payton was a little unsure of the swing at first, she was all smiles before long, as Daddy pushed her higher and higher.

Payton is still not walking, which is just fine by me! She's mastered her crawling and walking around furniture, and I'm sure the walking isn't too far into our future. She does stand on her own, but when we try to get her to take steps, she just leans forward, like her feet are glued to the floor. She has learned to do a somersault (with help), backs down off of furniture, understands tons of words now, signals "touchdown" all the time, gives high 5's, "clicks" her tongue, knows where mouth, nose, and belly are, loves to dance and jump, knows how to turn the light switches on and off, turns pages in her books, and on and on. We are so amazed at what a sponge she's become, and we know to watch our words and actions more now than ever!!

We are all very much looking forward to spring weather, especially after this past weekend's tease! Payton just loves being outdoors, as do we, and of course the dogs! In the meantime, we will be going to Charleston for the Cooper River Bridge Run at the beginning of April, then the following weekend will be Payton's birthday party! We may possibly have a dual party with Payton's BFF, Raegan (since they are just 2 days apart!) I can't wait to start the party planning!

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Night at the Boughmans....

The girls, Raegan and Payton, are both 9 months now, and growing like weeds....although you'd guess Payton to be much older judging by their size difference. Payton is about 3 inches taller and 5 pounds heavier than Raegan, but Raegan holds her own with Payton! They play well together, and the highlight for the evening was bathtime. They had a lot of fun soaking the bathroom. Next time: BUBBLES for sure! Payton loved the fish in the aquarium, and yes, she has some teeth coming in, thus all the chewing and fingers in her mouth. Her next 2 up top are well on their way in, for a total of 8 toofers!

They are going to be BFF's (for you who don't know what this stands for-dad!!....Best Friends Forever)! Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!!...and 9 Month Update!

It seems that every time it's snowed in Charlotte over the past 2 years I've been out of town for one reason or another. Well, today I was in town! Brian and I both worked from the house, and we were able to get out and let Payton, and the dogs, play in the snow a couple of times. A neighbor made a mock sled, which Payton thoroughly enjoyed being pulled in. My dad used to make snow cream for me when I was little, and I loved it. So, today Payton got her first, and second, and third....taste of it, and LOVED it! Here are the pics....Enjoy!

And let's not forget that Payton is now 9 MONTHS OLD! We can't believe how time is flying by. Within the past month she has really started absorbing everything around her, repeating actions and sounds, and is learning how actions and reactions. She has learned how to put the balls into a hole in one of her toys (drop the ball in at the top, it comes out at the bottom). She recognizes a number of songs, loves to "shake her booty," makes the cutest faces when she sees something she wants, and is really communicating very clearly. She's understanding "no" and learning to manipulate a little....uh oh! She had her 9 month doctor appointment scheduled for today, but because of the snow, the offices were closed. She is saying more and more sounds these days, including "ma ma, na na, ba ba, da da, daw daw, neh neh, ga ga, nigh nigh," and others we wish we could understand, but can't at this time ;) I'll post her height and weight once we reschedule her appointment. For the record, I'm guessing around 23 pounds, and 29-30 inches! Hope everyone got to, at least, throw a snowball today!

9 MONTH UPDATE: Payton is healthy as a horse! I was pretty dead-on my guesses about her size. Officially she was 22 pounds, 15 ounces and 29 3/4 inches tall. She is 95-97% in height and weight, and 90% for head size....for you people who keep up with that stuff!! She's been given the go-ahead to eat pretty much whatever we give her, obviously not anything that's a choke hazard, but the pediatrician said now is the time to introduce as many foods to her as possible. It will help her eating habits later on. During the appointment she showed off. She was giggling, talking, trying to hand her doctor her bracelet, being her usual character. Then toward the end of the appt, it was clear it was nap time. Her thumb went in her mouth, and she got very cuddly. Unfortunately, she was about to get a rude awakening! She had to get her last Hepatitis B after a few real tears, and getting dressed, she curled up in her carseat and fell fast asleep!