Monday, February 28, 2011

Payton's almost 11 Months, and Baby Squish is 16 Weeks!

This morning, I had my 16 week check up. Blood pressure was 106/62, and Squish's heartbeat was 152. The nurse found the heartbeat with the doppler immediately. Payton always liked to "run away" from it, and they always had a hard time finding hers. The doctor said the baby's growth felt normal, after feeling my uterus. I've only gained 1.5 pounds, and was a little concerned. We'll have another ultrasound in about 2 weeks, and will know more then. I've still been feeling perfect, finding I have to remind myself, sometimes, that I'm pregnant. I'm running 3-4 times a week, and with the nicer weather, I've been taking lots of walks with Payton and the dogs.

Payton has been learning, getting bigger, stronger, and growing lots of hair! She loves to play with other kids around her age, likes to be pushed in her new swing, and be outside. Some new things she's learned:

-she'll take her shoe or sock off, then try to put it back on her foot
-when asked what does a doggie say, she'll reply with a couple "grunts"
-she can stand for 30 or so seconds without assistance, and before she sits down
-she can walk when we hold only one hand
-she's starting to show a preference of foods
-she can use a fork and spoon
-she can back down stairs and off furniture
-she's working on blowing kisses
-she loves to try to mimic what we're doing
-she's starting to take interest in books

The weather has been unbelievably nice for 80 degrees! We went on the lake yesterday with some friends...and one of Payton's "boyfriends" Hayden. Saturday we met up with Raegan at a park, and the girls had a great time playing around on the slides, and in the swings. The weekend before we were at the Tophams house where she got to play with her other boyfriend, Sam. That Friday night was so incredible outside that we decided to have some friends over for a cookout...Payton got to play with Madi, and be outside. Payton is such great entertainment for us. She makes us laugh ALL the time-she does something she's proud of and will just start laughing. It's really cute.

We have also started the room that will become Squish's nursery. It's what was our back screened porch. Over the weekend, Dan and Brian got the windows and door in, but there is still much work to be done. We all took a break yesterday, as it was hard to not have spring fever!

We can't believe in a little over a month our baby will be ONE! We're busy planning her birthday party and can't wait for the big day! Wonder if she'll be walking by then???????

Thursday, February 3, 2011

12 Week Ultrasound/Genetic Testing

This afternoon we had our "big" ultrasound....they test my blood, and collect measurements from a very detailed ultrasound, plug everything into the all-knowing computer, and it spits out the chances of anything being wrong with Baby Squish. As I did with Payton, I have the "uterus of a 20 year old." Basically, I have the most minimum chances possible of the baby having Downs Syndrome, or any of the other genetic anomalies. We are very blessed :) The next appointment is in 4 weeks, just for a routine check up, then in 6 weeks from now, we'll have another big ultrasound. They'll check my fluid levels, the baby's organs, heart, etc. This is the
gender determination ultrasound....but again, we will NOT be finding out the sex. We like driving everyone crazy :) They will give us at least another ultrasound at 28 weeks,because of my history of low amniotic fluid. Hopefully everything else will turn out fine this time, I'll continue feeling well, my carpal tunnel stays at bay, and I don't swell up like a hot air balloon this summer....hey, I can hope ;)

PS-I cannot for the life of me figure out how to turn these pics around. They are correct in my photo file. Oh well.

Watch the Growing Belly....

Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12

Here are shots from each week of my first trimester. So I started out with a belly, and it sure has popped out much faster this pregnancy!! I'll have to admit that these first 12 weeks have FLOWN by! It's much different being pregnant while chasing after a very active 10 month old!! I'm so thankful that I've felt so great, and hope it keeps up throughout the very hot, humid summer! I'll update after each appointment....

First Ultrasound

It's December 27th, 2010. I had my first ultrasound today. Let me back up....after having great hCG readings about 2 weeks ago, my mind was at ease...for about a day! Since then, I've been concerned that maybe nothing is going on "in there" because I have literally had NO pregnancy symptoms. I do not feel pregnant. I have no aversions to any smells, except maybe Payton's poopie pants. Wine smells divine. No queasiness. No difference in my appetite. I'm not really anymore tired than usual. Boobs don't hurt. So, going into today's appointment, I kind of expected bad news. When the first image came up, it was of the gestational sac. Just a black area of my uterus (the other areas looking white). Immediately, it appeared empty. My heart sunk. I flashed back to my the news that my first pregnancy had failed to progress. It felt like an eternity before the ultrasound tech found the baby, and the heartbeat...but lo and behold, there it was. The amazing "whoosh-whoosh" sound and a little heartbeat of 141. There it was. Our little miracle last, I can finally admit I'm pregnant! A boy perhaps?

Both sets of grandparents are ecstatic. We are ecstatic. Payton doesn't have a clue, but I think she would also be ecstatic to know she's going to have a little brother or sister to play with in a little more than 7 months. Here we go again!

Running Out of Room....

As most of you know, we live in a 2 bedroom townhome on Lake Wylie. It's great. We love the location, the neighbors and friends we've made, the pool, the lake, tennis courts....however, we are going to be a family of 4 plus two 85+lb labs sqwunched (yes, my word ;) into about 1500 sq ft!! So, we've taken on a little home-improvement project. We have a good-sized screened porch off our master bedroom, which we are going to finish. This will be Baby K #2's nursery. We are hoping and praying that the market turns around soon, especially in our "hood" so that in a year, or so, we can re-list the house & eventually get into something a little more roomy. Unfortunately there have been numerous foreclosures where we live, so selling right now is next to impossible...unless we want to give the house away. So, in the meantime, we'll learn to be a very close, loving family, and learn to appreciate what we have.

Just need to vent....., I LOVE to snowboard. It's my favorite past-time. Last winter was probably THE best winter (for snow conditions and volume) of my life. This winter hasn't been too shabby either. Christmas-spent in the mountains, and it DUMPED. NYE spent in the mountains. 2 weekends in a row, GREAT riding conditions. Did I go? Nope. I'm pregnant. Again. Yes, I'm only 7 1/2 weeks right now, but I would hate to risk anything out of selfishness, BUT OH what a tease it's been. I just don't trust all those ya-hoos from Florida out on the slopes, who come once a year, head to the top of the mountain on their rental snowboards & skis, falling trying to get off the lifts, making the rest of us who belong up there wait for them to clean up their messes....screaming WHOO HOOO, after doing shots at the bar, and going out of control, poles out, resulting in running me over and them doing a "yard sale." So, no thanks. I'll sit indoors, watching everyone drink wine and beer, and just smile, knowing I'm growing a beautiful son or daughter in my belly. That's my reward. And, I can go snowboarding EVERY winter (after this one) for the rest of my life, or until my body gives out. There. I vented. Thanks for listening! I'll post these pictures to remind me of my one minute on my board this year....and first time for Payton. I can't wait to teach our kids to ski and snowboard, but that will be another post. In a couple years from now!

Payton is going to be a big sister!!


I won't be posting this for quite some time, but I wanted to keep a log of everything from the very by the time anyone reads this, I'll be into my second trimester with "squish" or "bellybean." We're still trying to find a fitting nickname for this one. I'm partial to "squish."

So Friday night, December 3rd, I decided to take a test. I just felt a little off, and had my suspicions. I had a cheapie test strip, and I'm not sure how accurate those things are. But, I went ahead and took the test, totally expecting it to be negative, especially since I was just 3 weeks, 4 days pregnant then. There was a VERY faint line. I proceeded to finish my glass of wine, in disbelief....and, I knew this would probably be my last glass for a LONG while. The next morning, same thing. Faint line. So, Britt, our neighbor and good friend, happened to have a digital test available for me. It said "pregnant!" So, this begins our journey to complete the Kugler family!! My actual due date is August 16th, and although I'll be miserable so far along in the heat of the summer, I've always wanted a summer baby. Because I'll be getting another csection, my doctor will let me go a week, or so early, so we're looking at meeting our new little one between August 7-10th! Daddy wants a boy. Mommy doesn't have a preference. We both just want happy, healthy, smart kids!! It's always nerve-racking at the beginning of a pregnancy, especially after experiencing a loss. I'm hanging in there, and have my first appointment, for confirmation and a blood test to check the hCG levels, on Friday. Praying all turns out fine!! I'm thinking positive thoughts!

Update: Had my confirmation appointment today, Dec. 10th. Diagnosis: I'm pregnant :) I had lots of blood drawn, including an hCG test. The numbers are supposed to double every other day, indicating all is going well "in there." I'll have a follow up blood draw on Monday, and praying those numbers are doubling nicely!!

After Monday's appointment: Numbers: 955 and 3544!! More than doubling, and Dr. Lucas is pleased!

Symptoms at week #4: very tired, thirsty, peeing a lot, slight headache, eyes burning, appetite is down a bit, bloated, sometimes a little light-headed (NOT from being blonde ;)

Symptoms to week #7: less tired, still thirsty which leads to peeing a lot, no more headaches, appetite is more back to normal, slightly bloated, and I get winded after coming up the stairs. Other than that, NO queasiness, and I've actually lost about 5 pounds since finding out I'm pregnant!

Symptoms to week #12: really nothing to speak seriously, it hasn't felt like I'm pregnant at all, which was scary at first, but I've learned not to question it, and enjoy it while it needless to say, this first trimester has FLOWN by. I hope I can feel this way well into the summer. BUT I'm expecting to have...not "cankles" but "thankles" (fat and swollen all the way up to my thighs!!) in the heat of the summer. Can't wait! Beautiful ;)