Friday, June 24, 2011

Mommy's on a Wakeboard :O

Needless to say, this has been a WAY different pregnancy than with Payton...I could barely get off the couch, in and out of a car, up and down stairs at this point with Payton. Yesterday evening I managed to run/walk 2 miles AND hop on a wakeboard. I went ALL winter with no snowboarding, and I've been ALL summer without being on a board. Last night, our neighbor, Greg, invited us out on his boat. I couldn't stand it. The water was glassy, temperature was perfect, and I was feeling good. I just got up on the wakeboard for a few pictures, BUT it felt SO good! I had to throw the handle away and sink into the water before I did something stupid (like jump!!) Baby Squish is moving around like crazy today, and everything is fine. I wanted to share a few pics from our evening...Payton, no surprise, LOVES the boat!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Less than 7 Weeks...AND COUNTING!

New Nursery...used to be our screened porch!

32 Week Belly

Raegan and Payton...born just 45 Hours Apart!!

Bath time!!

All Clean and Dancing!!

Next kids will just be 2 months apart!

Daddy is hillarious!!

Our little 14 month old fish!

Payton and Kyler smooching!

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

We still have yet to wrap our heads around the fact that I'm pregnant and that we're actually having a baby in less than 7 WEEKS! We do have the nursery ready to go, thankfully, so the baby will have somewhere to sleep :) I have included some pics of the nursery thus far (decorating to be done after we get home from the hospital). It's small and cozy, but it's a better alternative than putting both babies in the same room, for now. I've started going through some of Payton's newborn stuff, sorting, washing, etc in preparation. I am looking forward to going shopping for both babies soon!!

I had my 32 week check up on Monday. My blood pressure was great, at 102/72, I've only gained 13 lbs, based on their official records, and the baby's heartrate was 146. Still no swelling, not much back pain, but my ribs do get sore at night. My iron levels have dropped back down to 10.2, so the doctor recommended that I start taking an iron supplement 3 times a week, in preparation for my csection. We get to eat more steaks now too, which Brian is very happy about! I go back in 2 weeks for a visit with my primary OB, Dr. Jack Lucas. We will "officially" schedule my I'll know if we're sticking with August 9th definitely.

Last weekend we visited with the Boughmans, so Raegan and Payton got to play together. They danced around Raegan's new playroom, and took a bath together. They are so funny to watch. Payton still towers over Raegan to the tune of about 3 inches, and probably 5-6 lbs...our little giant. They are the happiest little girls I know, and they love each other! Cheryl's pregnancy is going well...due just 2 months behind me, AND they are having another little princess :)

Also, we visited the Dog Bar in NoDa. The dogs got to "go out" and play in celebration of Emma's 8th birthday (June 20th), and Payton absolutely had a fantastic time. We had dinner outside at Revolution, where "Uncle Gary" works, and the dogs joined us. The NoDa Gallery Crawl was going on, so after dinner we walked around looking at some crafts and artwork. Payton managed to stay awake AND happy until we left, around 9:30!! She didn't even fall asleep in the car, but crashed as soon as her head hit the bed! Saturday the Killars (Celeste, Chris, and Kyler-2 in August) came over to visit, play in the pool, and have dinner. After one heck of a thunderstorm and dinner, we headed over to the pool where Payton proudly showed off her swimming skills. Kyler was so impressed that he "laid one" on her!

Father's Day was Sunday. We took Daddy to Tbones for a wonderful brunch. Payton gave Daddy a toddler bike helmet for her (to be used when he takes her on the bike trailer during the 24 Hours of Booty Ride in July), a book on Fathers, Daughters, and sports, and a gift card to his favorite place to shop, Costco. We spent the rest of the day relaxing, and we began the dreaded "name" discussion. We managed to narrow down our list a good bit, but we still have quite a ways to go! We attempted going to Pops in the Park, but they have changed the format a little, and the street by the venue is no longer blocked off for the children to play. So, we decided to head home...we have my 20th year High School Reunion (for East Meck) this weekend, so I'm looking forward to catching up with my old classmates and reliving the memories.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer...Slow Down!

First "real" pony tails

28 Weeks

30 Weeks

30 Weeks...still no stretch marks, and belly ring still in ;)

Payton with Baby Jacob

Big Sister Riley with Jacob

Julie's crew...Payton, Big Sister Riley, Big Brother Gavin, and Big Sister Morgan

Payton and Caroline


Little Sister Attack!

I just wanted to post an update on everyone. We've had a HOT spring? so far, since it's not officially summer yet. That's hard to believe. But time is's mid June already. Payton has enjoyed A LOT of pool time and enjoys it more than I could have wished. Her swimming skills are getting stronger by the week. In addition to blowing bubbles and kicking her feet, she's moving her arms, and actually swimming a bit. She loves for Daddy to throw her in off the side to me, and we do that repeatedly.

One word to describe Payton: hillarious. She has us laughing constantly. She makes funny faces, walks with a "strut," talks in her own language constantly, makes her "kissy-face," sings songs, and loves on her dogs. She loves to push her baby doll stroller around, although Callie's boyfriend, Natogi, ate the face off her one and only baby doll, so she pushes her stuffed animals around. Don't worry. Baby doll #2 is on her way.

Last weekend one of my dearest, and bravest, friends had baby #4!! LOL! Julie Madden Kreutzer gave birth to a very healthy & handsome baby boy, Jacob Mason Kreutzer. Weighing in at 8 lbs, 6 oz, he and Payton were the same birth size. Payton and I went to visit them at the hospital. Other than giving Jacob the two kisses I asked of her, Payton was pretty much unimpressed, and went about doing her own thing. I don't think I'll have to worry too much about jealousy with the new babe, but we'll see! Also, we took dinner to the Tisdales, up on Lake Norman. It was great to see Amy and the kids, Caroline and Whitt, and we were able to spend a little time with Johnathan. It was really hard seeing him, but we are thankful to have had the chance to spend some time with him. Please remember to keep the Tisdales in your prayers, as this is such a difficult and delicate time for them...

Our nursery is finally almost completed. We have furniture moved in, and Brian is hopefully assembling the crib this weekend. There are a few finishing touches to be done, but all and all, it looks great, and we can officially start the nesting process! Less than EIGHT weeks to go before we meet the newest addition to the Kugler family. The name discussion officially begins on Fathers' Day, so maybe this little booger will have a couple of names before the delivery day!

The pregnancy...still going wonderfully. I have had brief periods of back pain on a couple nights, but that's not par for the course....yet. At 31 weeks, I'm still sitting at just about 11-12 lbs gained (which if you saw my big belly you wouldn't understand!), and I'm still jogging/walking at up to 4 miles at a time (you should see people staring at me as they drive by!) I think the running is helping tremendously, as I'm not yet swelling, even with this extreme heat. I'm definitely ready for bed at night, but I've survived the days without napping. And with a toddler around, how could I? My next routine doctor's appointment is on Monday, at 32 weeks, then I'll go in every 2 weeks until week 36. Then once a week, until week 39....then my csection!! I'm tentatively scheduled for August 9th. I'm a bag of mixed emotions. We have it SO easy with Payton that I'm scared to death to have a newborn around, but I'm sure all our fears will go away once we're holding our precious baby (boy?). I'm still feeling boy. OH, and talking about newborns, I currently have ELEVEN friends pregnant. Seriously. Baby Boom.

Well, my TWENTY YEAR high school reunion is coming up on June 25th...stay tuned for stories and pictures from that event. I volunteered to help on the reunion committee, so I'm very excited to see how all our hard work turns out. I'm guaranteed to not be the skinniest girl there ;)