Monday, December 16, 2013

With my birthday down...the official Christmas Countdown is on!

Payton made it to the GOOD list. (Griffin was already on it). WHOOP!

As all of you with children, or who have had children, will understand, Christmastime is SO completely exciting.  It's beyond awesome to watch it unfold through their eyes, and I believe this year will be THE best Christmas yet.  The kids are old enough to understand, better, what Christmas is really about, but they will still bound upstairs Christmas morning to see what Santa has left for them.  And just like Griffin and Payton, I.CAN.NOT.WAIT!  In the meantime, we watch Christmas movies and shows, they run upstairs to find Elfie first thing each morning, we wrap presents, and look at all the beautiful Christmas lights.  Maybe one of these years we'll be brave enough to head to McAdenville to see their lights.

Well, Payton evidently fell out of her bed, one night, and hit her chin on her nightstand, causing her to have a horribly black bruise, and chipped bottom, front tooth.  We paid a visit to the dentist, and after x-rays, they determined that all will be okay.  She was complaining about pain (the root was exposed) but that has diminished.  Hey, at least no stitches between the two....YET!  (Did I just jinx myself??)  Griffin has been sick with a cold, possibly the flu, for about a week.  Horrible, NON-STOP coughing, a fever, chills, and just plain not feeling well.  Of course, this all happened during my birthday week, so we had to adjust a few plans.  Playing nurse to my cuddly little baby boy was just fine though.  Payton now has a seal-like cough, but as long as the pukey bug stays away, I think we'll all make it.  'Tis the season...
Getting his nebulizer breathing treatment

Feeling better!

 We did go out to dinner with my parents Wednesday night (Griffin wasn't feeling great, but we were able to make it through dinner). And Thursday, my actual birthday, we had dinner and drinks with friends, to celebrate. Brian cooked some of my favorite food for dinner.  (Filet and chocolate cheesecake...duh!)  Friday night my friends took me to dinner at Baku (a HUGE THANK YOU to Shiela and Thomas for dinner and incredible wine, and to Nana and Granddude for babysitting!) Jace, Audrey, Celeste, Nick, and Jason all met us there. The place was AMAZING!  We all loved it, and I especially liked the nigiri and sashimi plate (I ate sea urchin and live diver scallops!)  A foodie's dream. I highly recommend!  Shiela had us all back to her place for some good wine, and then we all went to Whiskey Warehouse.  Saturday evening we were able to sneak out for a bit to see Uncle Gary's band play. Thanks to my family and friends for such a fun weekend!

Two of my favorite men!  Brian and Nick

My girls...Celeste and Andy

Brian, Jason, Nick, and Whiskey Warehouse

Beautiful ladies...Audrey and Andy

Channeling Miley.  Okay, not really.
With the world famous Leisure McCorkle...the original "Lees..."  No, "Leighs."  HA!

With my boys...Nick and Uncle Gary.  Check out the tie!

Backing up a little, here are a few pictures I've taken since the Thanksgiving update.  Please enjoy and look for another update sometime soon....Have a VERY Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, in case I don't get around to another update this year!!


And, anyone remember that "hot" front that came through on Friday, December 7th?  Well, we totally took advantage of it and went out on the lake with a couple neighbors.  Seriously.  Boat weather in December?  YES, PLEASE!

They can really be sweet, sometimes ;)

We took the kids to have breakfast with Santa, at Brio.  Mr. Twister, the balloon guy, was there.  Griffin wouldn't have ANYTHING to do with this Santa (in his defense, he was pretty creepy looking) I'm surprised I was able to get the camera out and get anything one-handed.  Brian was paying the tab, and Payton was busy telling Santa all the items on her long list.  Good thing she made it to the good list!
After being on the lake, Griffin wouldn't go out the door without his life jacket.  He was in tears when I said he couldn't take it with us, so he won, and off we went with the life jacket!  Thankfully he agreed to leave it in the car!

Do you remember the turkey that chased me when I was out running?  Well, he's back!  And apparently he's a permanent resident.  I was out running last week, and he was standing in a driveway.  His "momma" came out on the front porch yelling, "Stanley!  Stanley!  Get back over here!"  I about died.  As I was laughing, running down the street, I looked back and guess who?  I don't think he likes me very much, but I did find out he has a Facebook page (which I have been unsuccessful in finding) and that he came from the fire department down the street.  His "daddy" is one of the firemen. So, when you come to visit us, please watch out for Stanley, HA!

Elfie was busted trying to steal tree ornaments!  Griffin kept saying, "You're a bad boy, Elfie!"

Payton and I went to church with Aunt Miss.  When we got home, both boys were still in bed.  One was sleeping.  I'll let you guess which one was not.

Bad luck?  She doesn't care.

And here's G playing basketball.  I still can't say, for sure, if he likes basketball or baseball better, but I'm pretty certain he'll be an athlete!
We are off to Virginia to see Nana and Granddude this weekend, for the Christmas festivities to officially begin.  We're looking forward to seeing The Gregory Brothers for their annual Christmas show, and spending time with the grandparents.  Then, Christmas in Charlotte with Granby, Grumps, and Uncle JP, and off to the mountains for mommy, Griffin, and Payton to try out our new snowboards!  WHOOP!  So, Santa, what I really would like for Christmas is for snow to DUMP, DUMP, DUMP!  Please, and thank you!

If I don't get around to updating this again before Christmas, please have a wonderful holiday, and Happy New Year!!  xo I'll leave you with this....(and our very late Christmas cards will be going out tomorrow.  I ordered them December 2nd, and am JUST to receive today.  Grrrrrrr!)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013...

Every year I say, once Halloween comes, I might as well say hello to the New Year.  And, here we are again.  Halloween has come, and gone.  Thanksgiving has come, and gone.  Now I'm on my birthday, then Christmas, countdown.  Every day seems to go faster, and the pressure of the holidays is piling up.  How will I have enough time to get everything done?  Decorated. People shopped for. Presents bought. Wrapped.  Cooked.  Packed.  You know that feeling, right?  Why do we put this much pressure on ourselves?  This is supposed to be a fun time with our families and friends, RIGHT?  So, I'm going to make an effort to slow down and enjoy every Christmas light I see, every song I hear, and even those (loud) little voices in the back of my car for an hour each day.  'Tis the season...let's enjoy, spread joy to those who are in need, and take the time to spend with our loved ones.  Stress-free.

The weekend before Thanksgiving, Brian and I were able to get out and enjoy a couple adult-only evenings.  We needed it!  We went to see a band we both really like (Seven Handle Circus) and I went out with some friends to see Leisure McCorkle and Whitney Bridges sing.  It was great catching up with old friends!!
Drinks at Vivace with my honey

My prom picture with Shawn, the lead singer/guitar player for Seven Handle Circus...I may have a tiny crush on him, lol!

Dinner at The Peculiar Rabbit in Plaza Midwood, with Gary, Nick, and Mandi...DELISH!

Friends from both high school and ASU...Gary, Big Mike, Celeste, and Tommy.  Tommy was our wedding photographer!

The kids had a birthday party that weekend also.  Milani, our neighbor, turned 2.  Her birthday party was at Sports Connection, and the kids were able to play games and jump in multiple jumpy houses.
Lachelle and her birthday princess, Milani

Ciel and Griffin enjoying some pizza

The crown she picked to "buy" with all her tickets (which her brother broke quickly)
 And as always, we beat the holiday rush to see Santa.  Here's how our visit went...(an improvement from last year!)

The kids each learned about and had Thanksgiving feasts at their pre-school.  Payton's teacher sent me these...

And here the kids are trying to help Granby with some baking....well, kind of, anyway.

Making out with a pilgrim.

Thanksgiving morning, although REALLY cold, we stuck with our tradition of running the Turkey Trot.  Payton ran the one mile fun run with Granby pushing Griffin in the stroller, along with Kerry, Kate, Julia, and Thomas.  I ran the 8K with my neighbor, Nick. That way, we can all feel a little better about stuffing the stuffing in our bellies later in the day.

Thomas, Julia, Kate, and Payton

Her friends offering much encouragement!
YAY!  They did it!
After Nick and my 8K run...TURKEY TIME!
After showers, lunch, and naps, we headed over to the Garman's house, for food, drinks, and always, much fun. We had a great time, ate way too much (but aren't you supposed to?), and watched some football.  I think that sums up a perfect Thanksgiving!  Thank you to the Garmans for braving 4 small children in their house.  I think mostly everything was left in tact, lol.

This was the result of me telling them to pretend they were having a tea party...Kerry and Troy, what are you teaching them up in Asheville?  Sorry-had to post.  Hilarious!

Kerry and Me...literally friends for life.

Seriously.  How does she stay this skinny?  She's a mom of FOUR!?!?!

Me and Daddio...

Watching "Monsters U"

That sneaky Uncle JP!

Kerry and Katy...beautiful ladies!

Katy and Jake (aka-Wally Jones)...our hosts
Friday morning, we headed to Radford, VA, to visit Nana and Granddude, and some of their friends.  They had a Thanksgiving gathering that evening, filled with food, wine, and friends.  We had a great time!

Saturday morning, we drove into what felt like the middle of nowhere, to choose, and cut our tree.  There were a few snowflakes on the ground, which upon exiting the car, Payton immediately tried to pick up and eat.  It was cold, but everyone was bundled tight and we picked out our trees.  Callie had a blast running around and smelling everything.

Last Year...2012

Nothing says you're a kid like running and jumping in the leaves.  I think this could have been the highlight of the weekend, for the kids, and adults alike!  Payton and Griffin were hilarious, with their face-planting into the leaves, time and time again. And if you'll look closely, Griffin has a car in each hand.  I think he managed only to lose one, which Granddude found 

                   Check out the video of the kids faceplanting in the leaves HERE!

That afternoon, after much needed naps, we headed to a nearby park and got the wiggles out, before dinner.

Happy Puppy!

P helping wash dishes :-)

On December 2nd, Callie turned 5.  The kids had fun playing with her, and she got a little extra yummies in her dinner.

And lastly, Elfie made his debut...the kids love finding him each morning.  I just wished he would make them behave a little better in the evenings!  Santa is watching!!!!!!
Well, the tree is up, decorated, and some presents are wrapped and under the tree.  The kids enjoy taking down a number from the Christmas countdown calendar each day.  They know it's one day closer to that magic number "25."  I think this Christmas is going to be the best yet!!

**A short update on Grumps...since they've taken him off his infusion meds, he has been doing much better.  He's now halfway through his chemo, and we are starting to see a dim light at the end of the long tunnel.  Keep the prayers coming, and he'll keep fighting!