Monday, March 5, 2012

Let the Madness Begin...

Eva and Payton go on their first solo jeep ride together...laughing is certainly contagious!

It's March already?  Saturday my Tar Heels sought revenge of the Dookies by walking into that stinky old Cameron Indoor Stadium, looking the Cameron Crazies in the eyes, and walking out of there, heads held high with that Carolina pride, as the #1 seed in the ACC. We happened to be at an engagement party for some friends, and mostly were surrounded by UNC alum and fans.  There were a few Dookies sprinkled in. Looking around the room, you could easily tell who was whom.  But the look on "the Rat's" face was priceless...Game well played, boys!

The weather has been day it's sleeting.  Four days later it's 80 degrees.  No wonder, it seems, everyone is sick. Well, I'm happy to announce that for once in a LONG time almost everyone in our family is well!  Brian still has what's become a month-long sore throat that we think must be allergy related.  We've been enjoying this very warm "winter" by spending a lot of time outside, with friends, and trying new things.  Griffin had his first experience at a park, and in a swing, and his face says it all...loved every minute of it!  

Granddude and Nana kept the kids last Thursday, and had a fun day with them.  We had about 15 friends over that night, for porch wine and was almost 80 degrees that day!  We've had birthday parties, an engagement party, and dinner with friends, and I continue to run, run, run.  Enjoy the photos and videos as we watch our little ones grow up :)
Watching Elmo, and very excited about it!

Night night kisses for the best friends!
Morgan and Payton sharing a hug

The birthday party hostess...Aunt Julie
The birthday boy.  Gavin (8)
I'm not sure that's how it's done?
Playing "tackle" with Daddy

Group Hug!
Man, I sure have lots of pretty girls around me!

It's MY birthday!
My "baby" Riley (almost 12) and MY baby Payton (almost 2)

Here G-Money is trying his best to be mobile.  Crawling coming soon?  Maybe not...

Um, you may have forgotten something...
Game Night at the Collins'...and Brian's wears his sunglasses at night.  So he can, so he can...keep the pink eye away from everyone!!!

Going for a run, almost naked. diaper.  BUT, she still has no interest in going on the potty, unfortunately.  Not even for M&M's!
Someone likes the trampoline (when he's not bouncing high)...bounce too high, and a look of worry was painted on his face.
Cameron Guthrie (7) and Griffin...Cameron will soon be a big sister to a little sister!
White boys can jump...on the trampoline and with mommy helping ;)

Cam and Payton
Who farted?
G relaxing in Uncle Gary's hammock
All the kiddos playing in Cameron's room
Payton enjoyed her bath time in the dark...with glow sticks!

G and Aunt Julie at the park
Miss's hard to believe she's almost 12 years old.  It seems like yesterday I was changing her diapers!
Hey guys, watch this!
Morgan and Payton, taking turns on the slide
Griffin and Jacob...

Behind you, G!
Callie and Emma enjoying our spring weather...Callie has finally become much better behaved, and we can give her "yard" priviledges now!
Payton looks SO big in this swing.  Hard to believe this time last year, she was just learning to walk.

I love how Griffin always has one of Payton's girly toys...this day, a unicorn.
6 MONTHS!  Soon to be 7!
What a beauty!
Payton loves to help with Griffin!

Standing by myself..for a few seconds, anyway.
Having a frozen peach..still no sign of teeth!
Man, girls are so complicated!
Here, G...have my princess wand.  Thanks, R....
I'll rock it!
Me, Cheryl, and baby Camryn

Such a little southern gentleman

Excited to see each other!

Goldfish anyone? 
My failed attempt at getting a good picture of Payton, Madi, and Raegan all together
Second try...okay, little miss attitude!  I'll put the camera down now!
My mom makes me eat spaghetti.
Just kidding...I LOVE my sketti!
Our new toys...
Singing "Ring Around the Rosies"

We all fall get pulled down...
Helping Daddy
Andy and Payton
Andy and Griffin
Having porch wine...still mid 60's at 10pm!
My handsome hubby, and the greatest Daddy to our littles!
Grumps is hoping for a basketball star...looking promising so far!  Check out that dribbling technique (with his left hand, not out of his mouth, silly!)
Some of the geese Griffin and I see on our weekly runs in Grumps and Granby's neighborhood
Eva and Payton holding hands...Payton turns 2 April 7th, and Eva will be two in mid May!  Becoming good friends!

Eating true solid food for the first time...Baby Mum Mums

Griffin, like most babies, LOVES bath time!  He bangs his toys and hands into the water, splashing everything around him!
 The best of friends!

 And the fighting already begins ;) lol
Payton loves to read to Griffin, and he LOVES to listen and watch

Griffin eating a true "solid" food for the first time..."Baby Mum Mum" rice cracker

Again, laughing is contagious!  I hope I was able to put a smile on your face today!  Life is too short not to smile :)

Payton thanking God for her family and friends (and herself)...she's too precious!


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