Friday, April 20, 2012

Payton's 2 Year Check Up

Other than a couple of "sick visits," this was our first visit to the doctor where Payton didn't have to receive any vaccinations (YAY!)  This meant no band aid, and no crying.  As we were waiting for the doctor to come in, I was bored, and started taking pictures of the kids, and Daddy, with my phone...

CRASHED after her morning appointment...
Payton, as we know, is a big girl...she weighed in at 34 lbs (97-100%) and 37 inches tall (97-100%), and 90% for her head (we all know she's very smart, like her uncle!!)  She's gained 2 pounds over the last 6 mo and grown 2 inches! She likes stepping up on the scales, but still asked to be put in the "infant" scales bucket...She still doesn't like to stand under the height measure thingy that they pull down until it touches the top of your head, so the nurse had to measure her like a baby, on the table.  I told her if she was good, she would get a couple M&M's at the end of her appointment.  She was an angel, let Dr. Nguyen listen to the "bunnies" in her heart, let her look in her ears, and opened wide so she could look into her mouth (no signs of 2 year molars yet).  At the conclusion, Payton hugged Dr. Nguyen, who is about a month away from popping out a baby girl, and then Payton was quick to ask for her M&M's.  The child has the memory of an elephant.  This should keep me on my toes, for sure!

So now to back up a little...since Payton's birthday party, we've been fairly quiet (for us, at least).  Last Saturday was the Charlotte Racefest.  This was the half marathon I'd been training for.  FOR FOUR MONTHS!  I'm not sure how to explain what happened, but all I can say is that I missed it.  I, LEIGH KUGLER, was LATE!  I'm never late.  I'm always organized.  What happened?  I went to bed early.  I set my alarm (for 6:35, but should have been more like 6am).  Got to Southpark at 7:30 (race start time) and was leisurely walking around to meet my group.  I thought I was 30 minutes early.  Turns out...I was 5 minutes too late.  I was walking around looking for my race group when I realized what had happened.  I RAN over to the start line where I saw the race volunteers pulling it up.  I felt that sinking feeling, like you feel when you are in trouble.  When you see blue lights behind you.  When you hear your baby crying, screaming, and you don't know yet what happened.  I rushed back to my car and had a good long cry.  I called Brian bawling my eyes out.  I had let ME down.  Worst of all, I had let Payton down.  She was so excited to come cheer Mommy on.  I wanted to work hard to get her another medal.  I wanted to see the kids and Brian standing on the side of the road pulling for me, looking proud of me.  I failed.  And for no good reason.  My brain just wasn't working.  I went home and ran 9 miles with my faithful sidekick, Callie, and I felt better.  Today I can talk about it, even laugh about it, but not that Saturday.  I was very angry with myself.  And it showed.  So, I will now maintain, and towards the summer's end, I will start training for the Thunder Road Half Marathon which is in November...I haven't ever done this one, so it will, at least, be a new one for me.  I'm still so thankful I ran that Corporate Cup half marathon back in March.  At least I know I *could* have done it!

We spent the next Sunday at Adrianne's lake house, where Payton played in the water (still VERY cold) and Griffin ate sand (yuck!  What is it with babies and eating sand anyway?)  Griffin has been pulling up on furniture, learning to climb stairs (OMG), and bee-lines it to the tub when he hears the water running.  He has become VERY quick at crawling, so this also keeps me on my toes.  And he loves cords.  I remember Payton did also.
Such a little lake DIVA!
Running.  Always running.

Our neighbor's Sea-Doo...Payton saw it and immediately started climbing the trailer...we have our hands full! (look at those LONG legs!)

Look closely...see THE tooth?  It's come in more since this was taken.  It's a little crooked, and the cutest little tooth I ever did see!  I think there are 3 more on the horizon (and sleepless nights to come for us all)
Griffin is now 8 1/2 months old!  It's hard to believe he'll be walking soon, and he wants to skip walking and go directly to running SO BADLY!  His little legs move and kick all the time.  I just hope it doesn't happen too soon!...

AND in more exciting news, Payton got her ears pierced!  She had been talking about it (with a little prompting from mommy) for a while now.  She's seen 2 friends get theirs pierced, but she wouldn't have anything to do with it at those times.  She was SUCH  a brave girl, and barely even cried.  The customers in the store came over afterwards and were commenting on how well she did.  She and I had been talking about what exactly would when we got to Clare's at Southpark Mall, she knew what to expect.  I made sure there were going to be 2 people there to pierce them at the same time. She looked at all the earrings and chose the pink daisies. She sat in my lap while Daddy and Griffin watched. I would have bet $100 we were walking out of there with no earrings, but boy was I wrong!  She cried for less than a minute, and they let her pick out a sucker. She picked the pink one (shocker).  Here is a picture soon after this all took place:
She lets me clean them 3 times a day, and she's very proud of her "sparkly diamond" pink earrings.

Here's Payton playing around on her scooter and bike (yes, indoors...on a yucky day over the weekend):

That's it!  I hope everyone has a terrific weekend :)  xo

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