Thursday, January 10, 2013

Big Changes and Flying Spaghetti

Well, our 2013 got off to a rocky, er, pukey, start, but we are all healthy and happy now!  There isn't much to report except that our baby girl is growing up SO quickly!  On New Year's Night, she spent her first night in her "completed" big girl bed.  She's been on her mattress for a week or so, but we finally got the conversion parts in.  Her bed is SO high off the ground.  She has to climb into it by putting a foot on the side rail and pulling herself up with her comforter.  I was a little nervous she might fall off the bed, but she's done awesome!  She's sleeping so well, and loves her bed.  I did order her a nightstand, which should be here replace the princess castle (for now).

IN OTHER BIG GIRL NEWS...Payton is officially and completely potty-trained.  NO more Pull-Ups for naps or at night.  YAY YAY YAY!  Way to go Sweet P!  Well, let me back up, she woke up with wet sheets this morning.  Booooo.  But we'll just cut back the liquids before bed and see what happens.  She has been doing really well, and waking up dry. Crossing our fingers that this was a fluke!

On Wednesday, January 9th, Payton began her ballet class at the Carolina Dance Academy.  She was super excited!  Here she is, with her friend, Eva, before heading out to class.

April (Eva's Mommy) and Eva...we're thinking of her this week as she gets her second set of tubes, and adenoids taken out!

When we arrived at the studio, Payton ran inside.  She was soooo excited...that is, until she got into her classroom.  At first, it was just her, and her teacher (I never even got her name!)  Payton was acting shy, so Griffin and I stayed in with her, until the other 2 girls arrived (there are 4 girls currently in her class, and one was out sick).  Griffin LOVED to scream and hear his echo, so then Payton joined in.  What a first impression we must have made.  They both ran around and Payton practiced her dance moves in the mirror.  Once the class started, she settled in, followed directions wonderfully, and came out to make sure I was still there, watching, only twice.  Lol.  She loves it!

Let's for Griffin, he likes to throw stuff.  Like everything.  On this particular evening, he chose to throw his spaghetti.  When I tell him a firm "NO!" I get laughed at.  See?  I'm glad we have the furry-friends to help clean up :)

Oh, wait.  You're actually eating it now?
Auntie Cheryl and Uncle Jeremy were able to stop by for a while one afternoon for some chili and football.  The kids had fun playing, and Payton and Raegan were being typical 2-3 year olds...arguing over toys, and always wanting what the other has.  We're convinced that Camryn and Griffin are going to get married, one day A LONG TIME from now, and have beautiful little kids.  How cute are these guys?

Brian and I have been able to get out a little for friend's birthday parties, a post-Christmas party at TBones, Girls' Nights (okay, Brian skipped out on the Girls' Nights), and we've been watching all the football games (GO PATS!)  Also, we're trying to get some minor house projects finished up so that we can, again, attempt to sell our house.  This time we've put much more time and money into the house, and we're REALLY crossing our fingers it sells quickly.  It looks really nice, and the market has improved, so we're praying....
Missy's 35th Birthday Celebration Uptown at the Epicentre
Mattie and Payton at TBones

Just being silly!
The kids and I went to visit our friends, Crystal and Adam, and their new baby boy, Braxton.  Payton is getting to be quite the little photographer, and was walking around the house with my iPhone taking pictures.  Here's one she got of Crystal, me, and most of Braxton:
Payton found Adam's guitar, and was pretending to be a little Taylor Swift!

Oh, and one more big change for the beginning of 2013...we have done away with Callie's crate, of course, unless she starts eating the drywall or something crazy like that ;)  We need to begin the "de-cluttering" process, moving towards listing our place.  It would be really nice to have that crate out of the house.  I don't want to jinx myself, so I'll stop here....Happy New Year, once again!

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