Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April Showers....

Well spring has sprung.  From my 8th floor office window, we have watched the canopy over Charlotte turn from bare, brown, and cold looking, to lush and green.  Flowers are blooming and pollen is everywhere.  The water is warming up nicely.  The kids are excited to see what the Easter Bunny brings to them, and for all the upcoming Easter Egg Hunts.  First, let me back up to my Snowshoe trip.  This was the first year that it hasn't snowed while we were there.  In fact, it rained.  Booo!  We actually cut the trip short by a day because the conditions were so bad.  Unfortunate for us, but it was just a reminder that spring was fast approaching...

Out for dinner with the K2 and Marker Crew...thanks to my rep, Scott Squires, for all the awesome K2 gear, and asking me to be a part of such a terrific team!

My college bud and good friend, JJ Catlett (Union and Capita rep)

Very tired, but hitting the snow to try out the 2015-2016 lineup!

My buddy, Brandon...at the top of the bottom of Shay's Revenge (a Double Black Diamond Run at Snowshoe)...see the dot down over to the left?  That's Freddie.  The hill behind Brandon was so steep that I had to sit to get my bearings.  Vertigo had definitely set in!  But what a gorgeous view!

Only one night of beautiful sunsets, but it didn't disappoint

I took these pictures out of the closed car window, while we were moving...beautiful countryside.

Scott...my K2 rep

It was a tad icy!

I spy...ME :)

Beer break on Cupp Run...

Brandon and Freddie...heading to the hot tub.  Sidenote:  it was about 14 degrees.  They make it look warmer, right?

Well I thought that was the last snowboard trip for the season...but it turns out that I made another quick trip up to Sugar, St. Patty's Day weekend.  The snow was okay, there were NO crowds, and I met up with a couple friends to make some turns on Saturday.  The next day, I was wakesurfing.  There's nothing like spring weather in the Carolinas!

 Katie and I threw a gender reveal party for our dear friends, Evan and Sydney.  I'm thrilled to announce they will be welcoming a baby BOY in July.  Griffin is so excited.  We have very few boys in our circle of friends, so he was thrilled.  Payton, on the other hand, literally buried her face in my shirt and cried for about 10 minutes once the cake was cut...she is now excited about it, since she's had time to adjust.  Haha.

I had my cake lady, Kori's Cakes, make this one.  LOVE her work!

She was SO sure it was going to be a girl...

In between all my snow fun, I have had the kids at birthday parties, on playdates, in the boat, and keeping quite busy, as we always are.  They are growing up so quickly, and making us proud every day.  Their vocabularies are ridiculously advanced, and they are so smart.  Each day they impress us with their knowledge and imaginations.
Marley and Payton...little besties.  I can't believe they are getting ready to turn 6 and 5!!!

Griffin with one of his favorite girlfriends...Reesie!

The boy loves basketball...watch this video!

Payton with her best school friends, Ella and Anna...at soccer shots

We paid our Aunt Katie a visit at Jim and Nick's (where she's the catering coordinator)

Although he's clearly outgrown this swing, he still loves it.

Crabby Cabbie...Hands in the air, like we don't care!

My loves.

Fynn's dad paid the school a visit...the kids were very excited!

Jammie day!

Leah and I took Payton, Griffin, Ella, and Emmy to see "Cinderella."  We all loved it!
I mean, really?  THIS is the way to watch a movie!!

Lawrinda, one of my dear friends, volunteers at the Raptor Center.  When a bird is rehabbed, they let it go back in the wild.  This owl was ready to be released, and she asked if Payton and I would like to come watch.  What a neat experience it was!  We had to be ultra quiet, and I had a discussion with Payton before we arrived, about the importance of not scaring it, and standing back, etc.  She loved being included in such a cool moment...

That big guy came out quickly, and since I have no idea how to use many settings on my camera, this one was a fail :(

He was very happy and content just hanging on this branch, looking down on us.  I think he was telling Lawrinda, "thanks!"

Then we went to say hi to the horse...

I made a trip up to the mountains for some R & R...what a nice surprise to arrive to! March 28!!

Yep...the slopes were still open, and actually had great conditions!  Spring Riding!

One of the moms at Sardis, the kid's pre-school, organized an Easter egg hunt for all the little munchkins...they had a blast!



Tolley and Griffin...Trouble!

Payton and Allison
Payton and Ella...besties!
We went to church on Easter Sunday, then the kids and I had some outdoor playtime and, of course, lake time!

He says he wants to marry me :)  What a sweetheart...my lovebug.

No fear! (and ridiculously long arms!)

Uncle Gary and Me at one of his shows

In between arguing, fighting, and bothering the heck out of each other, they do have their moments...this is what it's all about!

Payton and Granby, playing "Go Fish"

My little Taylor Swift

Play date with the McNeill kids...

With Marley and Reese

With Hallie at Carowinds...new roller coaster, Fury 325, in the background

I think we are all gaining sympathy pounds for Sydney!  Hahaha.  At least she looks cute as a button :)

With April, Lauren, and Hannah...I love these ladies so much!

Selfie at Target...G was being a "Allosaurus" on this day.  Yep.  It growls and evidently has 3 claws per hand.  Haha!

Sorry this has taken so long to get finished...and now I have Payton's 5th birthday pictures to upload.  So, stay tuned!  Life has just been super busy, and now that the warm weather seems to be here to stay, sunny days and lake time take priority.  Sorry, people, life is too short :)  Much love to you all, and thanks for keeping up with us!  xoxo

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