Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Payton's First Dance Recital...the Lake, and Beyond.

We've had some fun days, enjoying the warmer weather, although we are still receiving more rain and having more cloudy days than I'd like.  I know that I shouldn't complain about that, but it would be nice to get some Vitamin D on our bodies.  We tried to go strawberry picking with friends, one afternoon, but apparently the fields can't keep up with the demands of picking, so they are only open on the weekends.  Total bummer for the kids.  I think they forgot about it when we decided to let them play at the Topham's activity center...
The boy is going to be a basketball player.  I have no doubt.

They were bad, so we put them in jail, lol.

 Payton has been practicing riding her bike, but Mommy would REALLY like it if she would learn, better, to use the brakes!  We also enjoy our nightly walks around the lake.

Remember what our beach looked like a week or so ago?  All clean now :)

Life's short.  We should all stop and smell the flowers.

Picking flowers for mommy.  Such a sweetheart!

Friday afternoon, the kids played some at Granby's, in their sandbox, then we played at Eva's house...the kids love playing with Eva, and jumping on her trampoline. 

 Over the weekend, my dear friend Andy became a new mommy to a very handsome yellow lab, named Drake.  She brought him over to play with Callie, and her boyfriends, Natogi and Wilson.  He quickly became part of the gang.

We've continued our trend of taking Friday evening boat rides.  This time was with our friend, Rob, on his new boat.  I think the kids liked it, hahaha!  Watch Griffin on the video:

Saturday morning we took the kids to Carmel Park, where they were having the Soccer Shots party.  There were bounce houses, food, a park, and lots of coaches and soccer balls.  The kids had a blast. I think we may sign them BOTH up in the fall.  They accept kids aged 2+.

And then there was the big DANCE RECITAL!!  Payton was SO excited to get on the big stage.  I prepped her for what she should expect, as the rehearsal was with all the lights on, and few people in the audience.  I wasn't sure how she would react to the sights, the darkness, and all the people staring at her.  Oh, who am I kidding?  She DID AWESOME!  She did the best that night that she's ever done.  With all the complaining and friction regarding her going to her Wednesday dance classes, I thought she may just shut down (like her little friend, Taylor, did).  Boy, was I wrong!  At one point, she was dancing around the stage (a part where they sashay around) and she couldn't find her number for a minute...she kept looking down for it, and when she finally found it, and stood on it, the entire audience cheered.  It was hilarious!  She performed great, and got her flowers at the end...which she's been waiting for since before she was ever signed up for ballet.  They danced to "You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile," from Annie.  Granby and Grumps came with us, and then took us to dinner and ice cream afterwards. What a fun evening!
Scarlet, Mariah, Payton, Ollie (Taylor was missing)

If all of that wasn't enough, it was time for us to clean the boat and make sure it runs before Memorial Day weekend.  Huge boating weekend!  The kids were VERY well behaved while I cleaned the boat, and Brian did a few repairs to our grill...they just played in their water table on the porch.  The boat runs well, and is cleaned up for the upcoming weekend's events.  Maybe I'll even get to go wakeboarding, if I remember how :)  Big WHOOP!
Callie was having a face-off with some old buzzard!

"It's okay!  I'm the captain of this ship!"

All our thoughts and prayers are going out to the victims of the Oklahoma F5 tornado.  Such devastation.  It's hard to imagine how everything you've ever had is completely wiped out in a minute.  Peace to all the survivors. 

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