Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Jilly and Stevan's Wedding Extravaganza!

April 27th was the date.  She was as beautiful as a princess, and so in love with her prince that you can feel it in the photos.  The rainy day didn't slow Jill and Stevan down a step!  They say rain is good luck.  So here's to you, Jilly and Stevan...CHEERS to your future together as husband and wife!  Congratulations to a beautiful couple, inside and out!

The Kuglers and Tophams had know that meant we were going to take advantage of it.  I mean, COME ON!  It's rare we have an "adult" night out. Pre-wedding, we headed to a wine bar right across the street from the wedding venue, and my little bro, JP, came along.  Sorry, "J. Preston,"  lol.  He's now living in DC, as an attorney, so we don't see much of him.  It was good to spend some time with him.
My gorgeous friend, Missy

Thinking about Jill getting married...

OMG! Jilly's getting married.  Woo-Hoo!!  We are so excited for her :)

Token Prom Shot...Brian, Me, Miss, Jon

We headed to the wedding...the place was amazing.  Within each indention in the wall was the story of both Jill and Stevan's heritage.  Their wedding was very unique.  They wrote their own vows, which were beautiful and meaningful.  The only wedding party, per se, was Jill's nieces and Caroline Tisdale.  Love filled the room with family and friends.  I've known Jill since she was born, and most definitely consider her a "sister" to me.  She and Stevan make an amazing couple, and Jill was a gorgeous bride!

Julia McNeill

Kate McNeill

Caroline Tisdale

Newlyweds...(and my mother was obviously quite happy for them!)

Jill's Happy Parents, Katy and Jake (or, on the croquet course, aka, Wally Jones) 

Kerry, Jill's sister, Jake, Troy (Kerry's husband), and two of their girls, Kate and Julia

They've said "I do," now onto the reception!! 
The cake...Jill MADE this.  It was incredible, and tasted amazing!  What a task to take on, as if being the bride wasn't enough stress!

Jill and Stevan gave creative freedom for all the centerpieces.  They were incredibly done.

The sisters I never had...Amy, Missy, me
Dad, Big Ben, and Uncle JP

Jack Jung and Jon Topham...Jon is obviously very important, lol.  Note the spotlight.

Stevan's heartfelt toast and thank you to his family.

My beautiful mommy

My silly Dad and Sherri Jung...she wasn't the only lady he was flirting with this evening (inside joke...let's just say, you can't take my dad anywhere, lol!)

Kerry McNeill and Amy Tisdale...friends for life!
My brother, the photobomber

Kerry, Amy, Me, Missy

Stevan's Father toasting the happy couple

Stevan's Mother

Nada, behind Jill...Stevan's sister

Uncle JP

The tents covered the dance floor, keeping everyone happy and dry!
Love on the dance floor...their first dance

Father/Daughter Dance
Sherri Jung and Yours Truly

Katy and Ben...old friends

Parents of the Bride, cutting loose!

This guy, also cutting loose...I can guarantee you he was having a good time!

We were obviously in deep discussion about something!

We couldn't be happier for Jill and Stevan!  They are a perfect match, in a not-so-perfect world.  We can't wait to see the professional photos, as I'm sure they will be exquisite!  For now, we'll just remember the night through these. 

The next day, Katy and Jake invited a few friends and family over for a brunch.  It was incredible, and it was nice to get to speak with everyone without many distractions.  The kids got to play together, and it made the very rainy day a little brighter.  Thanks Katy Jo and Wally!  The food was amazing!
Julia, Kate, Caroline, Payton, Thomas, Isaac, and Isabel

Griffin and Sam

Whitt Tisdale

Payton and Thomas (who is her boyfriend, this week)

Little Lauren McNeill (just turned 2)
CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU, JILL AND STEVAN!  Enjoy your honeymoon, you too lovebirds!  See that Stevan practices his croquet while you're abroad.  He will have a tough crowd in August! Bonjour!

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