Wednesday, April 7, 2010

6:30 AM Good Morning everyone except Baby K...

...who is still not coming out to greet the day as we'd hoped.

Last night we got much better sleep! I (and yes, I know you're not here to read about me, but bear with me or skip down to where you see "Leigh") had a much nicer sleeping situation due to the fact that last night's nurse knew how to extend my 'bed' by another section so I could stretch out more. After a bit of tossing and turning, I was out like a light, only getting up a couple times to help Leigh (there she is!) to the bathroom. She needed assistance getting there because about an hour after the Foley Bulb was put in and she was sound asleep with assistance from a larger dose of Ambien and had her first big contraction. In anticipation of a long day today, she opted to get some pain medication so she could sleep. The Stadol certainly did the trick and she didn't move all night except to get up to pee. No active labor however, just a couple more rogue contractions.

Now, as for last night's procedure, placement of the Bulb was a painful process for Leigh, not aided by the fact that Dr. Matkins had a hard time getting a good look at what he was doing (did I not mention the flashlight issue beforehand? He had to call for backup flashlights and we ended up with THREE in the room, two of which were those ridiculous lantern batteries. What's annoying is that there are two gajillion watt moveable and dimmable spotlights mounted in the ceiling but they couldn't use them effectively because they made too much glare and had to be turned down! So yeah...40 year old flashlights.). The lack of vision coupled with the need to turn the tube 90 degrees using 5" foreceps (think lack of maneuverability, ouch) meant that the Doctor had to try quite a few times to get it placed correctly, even inflating the first bulb partway three times before it was set. This whole time Leigh was in a good deal of distress.

Anywho, we got through the night alright and while it wasn't comfortable to sleep in, it wasn't painful either. The bulb was deflated and removed this morning (I will post deflated and inflated pictures of one later) and Leigh is at 3 - 4 cm but Baby K's head isn't nearly as low as it should be so back on Oxytocin to get those contractions going and get him/her down before we break the water.

Good news, and also good is that Dr. Lucas, Leigh's primary OBGYN, is on staff today. She has always hoped that he'd deliver her baby and now we have a chance!


  1. Well, I guess you have a winner in your poll since only one person guessed April 7th or later!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
