Monday, April 5, 2010

8:45 PM

Well we had an uneventful dinner and a brief stroll around the hospital and out to get some fresh air. Leigh was in street clothes but had the IV stints still taped to her arm and felt like all of the security guards were watching her closely to make sure she wasn't planning a getaway.

Even though we have very spacious accommodations, it did feel like our exercise time in the yard was over and we had to go back up to our cell when we came in and had to head back up to have the Cervidil (I checked the box and now I'm spelling that right) put in.

That was uncomfortable for Leigh but she's a trooper and has suffered through having to lie mostly motionless on her side for the first two hours afterward with minimal complaint. It did provide us with an opportunity to finally finish our movie!! It only took 9 hours or so. :)

The bed is uncomfortable so after Leigh is able to get up and around and ready for bed, she'll take an Ambien, recommended by every nurse and the doctor, to help her get some rest. The Cervidil will likely be taken out bright and early at 6 am.

I will stay up and watch as much of the basketball game as I can without falling asleep or, more importantly, keeping Leigh from doing so. I doubt I'll post again tonight so until tomorrow, adieu!

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