Friday, April 9, 2010

Dress Up!


  1. Love the gorgeous dress up photos. Leigh & Bri - when you get a moment (ha!) please post the cute photos of you with Pay Rae (yes, I have already dubbed them with an Us Weekly-worthy moniker, if it hasn't already been done) that Cheryl sent out earlier this week. Not sure if everyone got to see those, but I love love love the one of you with both of the girls, and the ones where they are screaming w/ each other at first, and then fast friends. and then, screaming again. A glimpse, perhaps, of the years to come? Ha ha. I am sure that with all the births in the gang, lately, there will be some lifelong friendships established. Ok, so maybe a 'group photo' of parents/friends of yours with children born in recent months. Those of us living vicariously through web postings and emailed photos will be appreciative. Can't wait to see you all soon!

    love, Whit

  2. PS: Can you post video clips, here?
